Tribute To Bob Plager

Today, March 24, marks the day four years ago Bobby Plager passed away. I wrote this tribute, read by Kelly Chase and produced by the talented communications and production staff of the St. Louis Blues.

He once said the logo on the front of the sweater meant more than the name on the back.

To the St. Louis Blues logo, no name on the sweater means more.

Bob Plager is a name that was here from the beginning,

Bringing the joy of hockey to a Midwestern town that had never experienced it,

That - with his help - came to embrace it.

With unyielding will, with fearless resolve, with selfless spirit …

He sewed pride and passion into the sweater,

Where those values remain - still respected - still nurtured - still celebrated.

He assisted on the first goal in franchise history

Took the first penalty

Threw the first punch

Cracked the first joke  

With his swiveling hips and daring determination, he became the personality of the Blues.

He was among the original Blues, who claimed the ground and set the tone for a franchise that became the most colorful and vibrant the NHL had ever seen.

And he was still here, 52 years later, to help that sweater lift a Stanley Cup.

His older brother, Barclay, was known as the heart and soul of the Blues …

Bob would be quick to say so of the brother he idolized.

But when he joined “Bars The Spark” in the rafters in 2017 …

When No. 5 became the seventh number in franchise history to be retired,

No sweater carried more substance.

No sports figure in this town shook more hands …

Signed more autographs …

Shared more laughs …

Cried more tears …

Gave more of himself … or cared more about the sweater.

We will think of him, when we hear the puck drop …

When we see a crashing check, or a spirit-lifting goal.

We will think of him …

When we here the horn go …

When we here the song and remember the thrills

We will remember the name on the back, when we see the logo on the front:

Bob Plager, No. 5 in our program, No. 1 in our hearts …



Missing Bob Plager On His Birthday